“The Wheel of Consent is a foundational tool for all human relating – between friends, family, colleagues and intimate partners.”

-Dr. Betty Martin, founder

Wheel of Consent

The wheel of consent is foundational in my work. These tools and practices have the power to heal trauma by empowering choice and one’s own voice. This deep body of work, developed by Betty Martin, offers a framework where our communication can reach authentic accord in an embodied way.

I use the wheel of consent in most of my 1:1 lab work. If you’re interested in learning more about the wheel of consent, please reach out!

  • Watch Betty Martin's Free Videos

    Watch Betty Martin’s introduction into the Wheel of Consent.

    Follow the step-by-step lessons and breakdown of the WOC “four quadrants.”

    Betty offers her resources for free, as well as printouts and extras to help you create your own experiences.

  • The Wheel of Consent Book

    In this book, Betty guides the reader through the Wheel of Consent framework, and shares practices to help us recover the ability to notice what we want and set clear boundaries. While the practices are based on exchanges of touch, they can also be learned without touch. In these practices, we discover that the Art of Giving includes knowing our own limits so we can be more generous within those limits, and not give beyond our capacity - a common problem which creates feelings of resentment or martyrdom. We also discover that the Art of Receiving invites us to notice and ask for what we really want, and not just what we think we are supposed to want. This knowledge, and its embodied practice, is foundational for creating clear agreements and bringing more satisfaction into relationships.

  • School of Consent Classes

    The School of Consent is a recognized learning resource for consent. We provide training and educational materials for the public and professionals, offering tools to support empowerment, safety, and connection.

    The School’s desire is to bring the concepts of consent and personal empowerment to as many humans as possible, using the framework of the Wheel of Consent®. We envision a world where people can speak up for what they want and what they don’t want – starting with touch, extending to community life and all the way to international politics.

    We inspire clarity, curiosity, and confidence.


Wheel of Consent Book

It is the single best tool I know of to clarify sexual dynamics and interpersonal challenges. I use its lessons in my personal and professional life every day.

Marcia Baczynski, Consent and Relationship educator