Healing is a Journey

My work complements traditional pelvic care, providing integrated, restorative intervention and support.

Wombspaces uses evidence-based approaches, combining hands-on therapies and well-researched practices.

This work supports patients and clients in their ongoing healing journey.

Your patients and clients will:

-resolve scar tissue and learn how to examine their relationship with their body and themselves

-explore embodiment practices designed to support them, and at their own pace

-learn an anatomical language that will reshape their neuroception and how to inhabit their nervous system

-receive the highest quality pelvic care inclusive of meaningful education

-see scars improve and their relationship to themselves transform

-learn agency over their body & how to become an empowered receiver 

Working together, patient care comes full circle.

When health care teams leverage complementing treatments, patients experience better health outcomes.

Complementary & Alternative Treatment

A distinct trend toward the integration of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies with the practice of conventional medicine is occurring. Hospitals are offering CAM therapies, health maintenance organizations (HMOs) are covering such therapies, a growing number of physicians use CAM therapies in their practices, insurance coverage for CAM therapies is increasing, and integrative medicine centers and clinics are being established, many with close ties to medical schools and teaching hospitals.

How does a new therapy move from the idea stage to the practice stage? What is the extent of integration of CAM and conventional medicine? Why is such integration occurring? What approaches are being used to offer integrated services?

Learn more from NCBI here

The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.

Integrating CAM with your practice means leveraging the evidence-based effectiveness of STREAM in reducing scar tissue, pelvic pain, emotional blockages related to pelvic and womb spaces

I believe providers should work together should coexist in close harmony for the good of patient outcomes.

Wombspaces attends to the aftercare of patients who have experienced childbirth, an injury, or surgery–either emergency or elective.

Let's talk about pathways to healing!

  • For Physicians

    In addition to offering a full-spectrum approach to healing, patients and physicians benefit from:

    -lower long-term costs for patients

    -an eased burden of office visits for both the patient and physician

    -comprehensive physical, mental, and emotional care that starts with the physician and continues beyond the office visit

    -a sense of participation and conclusion of their healing journey

  • For Birthworkers

    As a Birth Worker you may take the journey with new mothers in one or all of these stages.

    Motherhood within itself is a living story with 3- ritual stages: the separation from their old self, the transition labor & delivery and the reincorporation postpartum.

    (Re)incorporation is fraught with challenges, exhaustion and pain. Leaving new mothers with scars, complications and emotional fatigue.

    Wombspaces attends to the aftercare of patients who have experienced childbirth, an injury, or surgery–either emergency or elective.

Wombspaces supports the healing journey