I use Celluma LED Light Therapy in most of my one-on-one lab work

Anti-Aging Hair Restoration Pain Management Acne Treatment Wound Healing

I turned “50” in 2021.

I have used Celluma for 2 years on my face and the results have been more than very pleasing.

Also, as an avid mountain biker, skate skier and adventurist I have received many injuries over the years. I can attest to how well and how fast the pain and wound healing settings work. My secret is using castor oil with the light therapy.

It’s no joke!

— Moonbeam


LED Light Therapy 

WATCH this Webisode.

Demystifying The Science of LED Light Therapy


Devices designed to manage a variety
of pain and skin conditions.


Pain Management

Poor circulation and the lack of oxygen and other essential molecules (i.e., glucose, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)) in blood vessels can cause pain or a lack of sensation. Light energy stimulates the release of nitric oxide, causing blood vessels to increase in diameter (vasodilation) and allowing more blood flow, oxygen, and other important factors to be delivered. This increase in oxygen and nutrients, along with stimulation of the light energy emitted from Celluma LED devices increases ATP production, which activates pain relieving pathways. This decreases pain and inflammation, and increases tissue regeneration in the localized area.

Wound Healing

The seminal research for Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT), also known as LED therapy, was conducted by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center out of concern for astronauts who might be injured or become ill during long term space flight. In response to this health risk, NASA developed LED (light emitting diode) technology that showed great promise for delivering light energy deep into the body to promote wound healing and human tissue growth.

Low level-light therapy has been shown to decrease a patient’s recovery time while reducing discomfort levels and enhancing overall outcomes. It is ideally suited following any ablative procedure as well as pre and post-surgery for the following reasons:


Let’s quickly run through two biology basics: the Krebs Cycle and Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).

1. The Krebs cycle is what generates cellular energy inside your body. Light activation boosts the body’s natural Krebs Cycle which in turn assists in creating more ATP.
2. ATP is the energy currency of all the cells in your body. When your body has sufficient ATP levels, then it has more energy to spend on restorative processes such as collagen elastin production – these are the proteins your body uses to heal itself.

In summary: Light Therapy = Enhanced Krebs (energy) Cycle = Greater ATP Availability = More Collagen.

For Hair Loss

The 3-mode Celluma RESTORE* is the first red light therapy device to be FDA-cleared to treat three common concerns of the mature individual in a single LED light therapy machine. It helps to proliferate hair follicle size and prevent catagen hair development (the end of the active growth of a hair).

Restore for Hair Loss

  • Androgenetic Alopecia and to promote hair growth in males who have Norwood-Hamilton classifications of IIa–V patterns of hair loss and to treat Androgenetic Alopecia and promote hair growth in females who have Ludwig-Savin Scale I-1 to I-4, II-1, II-2 or frontal patterns of hair loss; both with Fitzpatrick Skin Types I–IV.

    Aging skin (wrinkles)

    Muscle, joint and arthritic pain

  • Reverse Hair Loss

    Alleviate Aches and Pains

    Prevent Further Hair Loss

    Counter male and female pattern balding (androgenetic alopecia)


    Pain freeIt all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • To obtain the best results use Celluma RESTORE every other day, for 16 weeks.

    Each Treatment: 30 min

    Before use ensure that your hair and scalp are clean

    Before use ensure that your hair and scalp are completely dry

    Separate the hair before illumination to expose the parts of the scalp suffering from hair loss

  • Can have an emotional toll impacting their self-image and potentially their mental and emotional well-being. For many women, this can be a life altering condition. The Celluma RESTORE now offers both women and men a non-invasive, non-toxic solution to many forms of hair loss (reference chart). Women no longer need to suffer in silence.